One of the most significant building in the history of the city, it hosted the City Hall since the beginning of the XV century when the establishment moved out to the opposide side of the square, where it is located currently. The original building dates back to the ned of the XII century and it was connected by a covered bridge to the palace of the Capitano del Popolo, another council judiciary that was located in the close building that still preserves the name. With the transfer of the City Hall, the civic purposes of the building weren't failed: the Monte di Pietà, from which was created the Cassa di Risparmio whose foundation still has the ownership, and-in a lounge- recreational activities like an ancient ball game and then the first city theater, destroyed by a fire in 1740. The entire building was radically restructured in different phases (in 1915 the colonnade that connected it to the Posta hotel was demolished). Extremely laudable tower, erected in 1216 and provided, in 1483, of a mechanical watch in place of a previous one ( the remains are preserved in the Civici Musei, the current watch is of the XIX century). The tower was decorated in 1544 by Lelio Orsi, with monochrome frescoes, today disappeared and of which only the drawings remain)