The historical cartography of the beginning of the 1800 defines the house with the place name "Casino Capiluppi". Rather lacking are the historical news regarding the building. In 1877 it was inherited by the Vezzani-Pratoneri. Then owned by the Vergnani and Cougnet, that in 1908 sold it to the Officine Reggiane. After some changes of ownership, including the Episcopal Curia, in 1983 it was bought by the City Management. The house had an elegant eighteenth-century architecture. Perpendicularly to the longitudinal part, a central raised wing is attached, protruding on the northern front. On the top, it is concluded on the two fronts by a three-parted balcony lodge; the lights are regular and symmetrically distributed. In an inner room there are some wall paintings of landscapes and ruins of a local school that are preserved inside plaster framings.